Thursday, September 18, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things...

I have lots and lots of favorites, especially when it comes to running and food, so to help you get to know me a bit better, here are some of my current favorites of the favorites…

Running shoes-currently I’m loving the GT-2000 series and the Kayano’s, and rotate between the two.  They make my feet happy, and the thing I love about Asics is how much the “gel cushioning system” helps keep my ankles strong, even after 6 surgeries :)

Gear-the iFitness belt is the BEST belt I have found to run with, and I’ve tried tons.  I forget I’m even wearing it, and it doesn’t bounce halfway up my torso like some other ones do.

Clif Bars-I think I single handedly keep this company in business J I try not to eat a ton of granola bars, but these bars I LOVE, especially the trail mix ones and the white chocolate ones.  The “sustained energy” they claim to provide is no joke!!  I’m excited that Clif Bar is one of the sponsors of the St. George Marathon, since that means free samples at the Expo :)

Nuun-my favorite way to re-hydrate.  These tablets effervesce in 16 oz of water in 2 minutes, and provide all the electrolytes my tired body needs.  I use it after long runs, or after overly sweaty humid runs when I need more than just water.  The fruit punch one is my favorite.

My latest obsession-McDonalds ice cream.  It’s the only thing I ever order there…like ever, but I’m kind of hooked on this sweet treat that I love so much.  
80 % of my diet is nutritionally healthy, where the other 20% is reserved for ice cream or chocolate. I have no shame. 

My pre-long run dinner-whole wheat pasta, salmon, and veggies.  Booring, but yummy!!  Every week...every single week.  Does it help me run faster or stronger?? Who knows, but I like to pretend it does ;) Oh there are lots more routines around running and running nutrition that I will share later….I can make a whole post out of that one!!

Happy almost Friday!!!


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