Thursday, September 25, 2014

Race day goals and candy..

This week I’ve been doing a lot of thinking (I’ve had more down time in the mornings, with tapering and all…;) )  I’ve also been doing a lot of sleeping in a little later than normal…again, since I don’t have to be up as early to run as far!

9 days to go until St. George!!  Taper is in full effect, and as race day gets closer, I think it’s important to have a bunch of different goals for the day of the race.  I read an article awhile back about why we should set a variety of goals.  I can’t find the article ( I HATE when that happens!!!) but it talked about setting goals ranging from an ultimate goal/result you would like from the race, along with other goals that you are directly in control of.
I’ve run enough races to know that they do NOT always go according to plan ;)  Sometimes the weather is bad (too hot, too windy, etc) and it alters your pace, sometimes you get hurt, sometimes you get sick, sometimes you don’t fuel in the way that your body needs, sometimes you have tummy troubles, sometimes you have a fantastic race and PR without even aiming for it, sometimes the race feels like a breeze…ANYTHING can happen on race day, good or bad…anything!!  That’s one of the exciting things about distance races, and that’s why it’s important to have a variety of goals.

My ultimate goals:  To run a sub 3:30, but mainly even to BQ (sub 3:35)
Other race day goals:  Finish, stick to my nutrition plan that morning and not try anything new, start off with the pacer and not go out too fast, fuel when I plan to, even if I don’t “feel like” I need it (stick with what’s worked in training), and don’t forget to relax and have fun!

Today I had more downtime than normal, and so did my sister, so we had a fun morning of shopping and lunch, followed up by a trip to the candy store because I wanted jelly beans.  These things are fantastic, and the best part is being able to choose what flavors you want.  This is a mix of vanilla, strawberry daiquiri, and the sour ones!!

I also came across these today (clearly I need more candy in my life…)  Has anyone tried these?  Are they worth it?? 

 Are you training for any upcoming races?  What are your goals??

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Training your brain, weekend fun, and a yummy recipe

 It’s Sunday, which means rest day and time to catch up!!

I decided to watch Biggest Loser (at least the first few episodes) this season because I was curious how the show was changing, now that there are 2 new trainers.  Last night I watched the episode I recorded on Thursday and Dolvette said something that made me think.  He said “tell your mind to get out of your body’s way,” and it made me think of how important it REALLY REALLY is to train your mind. 

How awesome does it feel when you achieve something you didn’t think you had it in you to achieve?  A new farthest distance run, a new PR, finishing a run you struggled through….anything!  In my experience, the feeling after of pushing through is always worth it, and I’m always glad I did.

Long runs are run to help build aerobic endurance, time on your feet, to practice fueling, etc, but also I think to train your brain.  Just like our bodies, we have to actively train our minds.  There are almost always parts of a race where you doubt yourself, where you have to convince yourself to keep going.  It’s a battle back and forth, but the more times you can “practice” pushing through those TEMPORARY moments of struggle, the more you believe you CAN.  Our bodies can do so much more than our minds think we can, and to do our best, we need to shut down that inner critic.  On many of my long runs, there is at least one point where that voice tries to convince me that I either need to slow way down or stop, that I’m too thirsty and can’t finish, that I can cut it short and make up the distance later, that my goal is too far out of reach, that I’m bored….my mind can fight me pretty hard sometimes, but every time it does, I get stronger when I push through it. It’s not a question of IF I will, it’s a matter of refocusing.  Some things that help me continually train my brain….

Before a run/race:
-Know the course, know when/where I will fuel, know where the hills are, prepare for the weather
-Just get out the door: on training days when I’m struggling to get out the door, thinking about the feeling when I finish vs how I’ll feel if I don’t do it….and once I’m out the door I feel better.

During a run/race:
-Come up with a mantra: “yes I can,” and “you’re okay” are two of mine. Talk to yourself and give yourself pep talks.  Really, they help.
-Break up the run or race into smaller segments of distances that seem more manageable
-Remind yourself that your body is capable and strong enough
-Sing a song in your head, focus on what’s on your iPod, think about what you want do do (or eat) after the run/race is over, actually LOOK at (and take in) your surroundings, focus on your breathing

Some of my weekend….

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with my sweet little niece….

This treadmill….I need it!! 40% incline and -6% decline.  For real.  I saw a NordicTrack infomercial for it, and I think it’s the coolest thing ever!!  Plus, you can run anywhere in the world, via the screen simulator thing.

I tried a new yoga video from Runner’s World this weekend and loved it.  I love yoga, and I love doing it in the comfort of my own home.  Runner’s World has some great, free yoga videos….

Finally…this recipe.  I got this recipe from a friend, and I make it a lot!  These are “turkey muffins”  and they are healthy and fantastic. 
All the ingredients...

1 package lean ground turkey
¾ c chopped bell peppers
½ c zucchini
¼ c diced tomatoes
2 egg whites
3 Tbsp flax seeds
1 ½ cloves of garlic
½ c old fashioned oats

Mix everything together in a bowl except for the oatmeal.  Once it’s mixed, you add the oatmeal to it.  Divide it into 6 muffin tins (that are sprayed with cooking spray).  Bake at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes, and voila!  I eat them with some brown rice and some veggies, and they fill ya right up!!!

If anyone tries them, let me know what you think!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things...

I have lots and lots of favorites, especially when it comes to running and food, so to help you get to know me a bit better, here are some of my current favorites of the favorites…

Running shoes-currently I’m loving the GT-2000 series and the Kayano’s, and rotate between the two.  They make my feet happy, and the thing I love about Asics is how much the “gel cushioning system” helps keep my ankles strong, even after 6 surgeries :)

Gear-the iFitness belt is the BEST belt I have found to run with, and I’ve tried tons.  I forget I’m even wearing it, and it doesn’t bounce halfway up my torso like some other ones do.

Clif Bars-I think I single handedly keep this company in business J I try not to eat a ton of granola bars, but these bars I LOVE, especially the trail mix ones and the white chocolate ones.  The “sustained energy” they claim to provide is no joke!!  I’m excited that Clif Bar is one of the sponsors of the St. George Marathon, since that means free samples at the Expo :)

Nuun-my favorite way to re-hydrate.  These tablets effervesce in 16 oz of water in 2 minutes, and provide all the electrolytes my tired body needs.  I use it after long runs, or after overly sweaty humid runs when I need more than just water.  The fruit punch one is my favorite.

My latest obsession-McDonalds ice cream.  It’s the only thing I ever order there…like ever, but I’m kind of hooked on this sweet treat that I love so much.  
80 % of my diet is nutritionally healthy, where the other 20% is reserved for ice cream or chocolate. I have no shame. 

My pre-long run dinner-whole wheat pasta, salmon, and veggies.  Booring, but yummy!!  Every week...every single week.  Does it help me run faster or stronger?? Who knows, but I like to pretend it does ;) Oh there are lots more routines around running and running nutrition that I will share later….I can make a whole post out of that one!!

Happy almost Friday!!!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hurricane And Cross Train

Running in the rain is one of my favorite things to do…and this morning was perfect!!  Drizzly, pure, refreshing rain, and I was really bummed about tapering because I would have LOVED to just keep running.

Arizona is preparing for Tropical Storm Odile (weird, right?) Arizona and hurricane aren't supposed to be in the same sentence.  We are already in a state of emergency and the rain really hasn’t started yet.  Among many other precautions, the fire departments are handing out sandbags in case of flooding.  Hopefully it won't be too bad!
You can never be too prepared…

All of my runs are followed by some sort of cross training or stretching, so after my rainy run this morning I did some core work, complete with this fun stuff….

I love CXWORX, and it works!  It’s a Les Mills class that is a half hour of core training, and it’s tough.  I am certified to teach it, but very rarely do, so I do it at home a few times a week as part of my cross training.

I got an email today from the St. George Marathon…..ahhhhh 17 days!!!!!  It's close enough now for a countdown :)  To say that I CAN’T WAIT is an understatement!!!!

This week I'll write a post about a bunch of my "favorites" when it comes to running and fitness and food.  I get asked often, so if you're curious, stay tuned...;)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Oh Monday

Since I just turned 30, I figured that was a good place to start for my first post J  Lots of fun adventures ahead in this new decade, and I kind of can’t wait!
This whole past weekend I celebrated my birthday.  Saturday night my family took me to dinner at Chili’s, where the staff kindly sang “Happy 21st Birthday” to me, and gave me a free ice cream sundae in a margarita glass.  It was delicious.

 On Sunday I went to lunch with my sister, and when I got home, the house was covered in these…..

In the fridge, in the bathroom, you name it!  My family is the best and they are no strangers to making people feel special!  My weekend went like this: family, friends, food, more food, cake, too much cake, and lots of laughs.  I love birthdays.

Now onto part 2….
My biggest race yet is coming up in about 3 weeks!!  I am aiming to qualify for the Boston Marathon during this race, which means finishing in under 3:35.  3 weeks away means now I’m in taper mode….sometimes that’s harder than the training!  This week I don’t reduce my mileage by too much, and am still doing interval training, so I haven’t lost my mind quite yet ;) Longest runs are behind me, and now I just have to not get hurt and not get sick! 
On Mondays I usually run intervals or hills.  Today was an interval day, but 1 mile less than normal.  Today’s target was 6:45 mile repeats, and they felt strong!  After resetting my Garmin, it was nice to have this data!

 I hope you are having a good Monday too!!  
Anyone else training for a race??!!

About Me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Jen, and I’m a 30 year old health coach, group fitness instructor, runner, peanut butter lover, and auntie to two very sweet children, and this is a bit about me and my life! 

I really really love to run, and lots of you have been following me on Facebook in my quest to qualify for the Boston Marathon and set a 3:30 PR.

I’ve been toying around with the idea of starting a blog for awhile now, and I figured turning 30 was a good starting point J  Since I love family, all things fitness, and all things food, that’s what you will hear a lot about, and I hope you enjoy it!!

 I wasn’t always a runner.  Actually, I used to HATE running.  I was a dancer-I performed and competed in the dance industry from the time I could walk, up until age 17 when I got hurt.  My dance career ended in a split second, but I was unwilling to stop there.  That’s when I started running.  People always said “what a good calorie burner running is,” so I started running, and hated every second of it.  I made myself run “to stay in shape,” and over did it many times.  Then…I got hurt again.  Not being able to run made me realize how much I craved a run, how much I missed something I thought I hated.  Turns out, once I stopped taking my body for granted, I really enjoyed a good run.  The busier my life got, the more I needed a good run to clear my mind, and the more my passion for running grew.  My best life decisions are made out on the roads-somehow a good run can make decisions that much more clear! 

My first race was a 5K Race for the Cure in 2007, and I was hooked!  I ran in support for my grandma, and even though it was a smaller race, the energy and adrenaline of the experience made me NEED more of that in my life!!  I’ve run tons of races from 5Ks to marathons between then and now, and my favorite distance is the half marathon. 

I teach group fitness as well, because working out with a room full of friends is just plain fun!!  For those of you familiar with Les Mills classes, I teach BodyAttack, BodyPump, GRIT, and CXWORX.  If you haven’t heard of them, you can check it out here: