I am as stubborn as they come, so besides being injured (which thankfully right now I'm not),
tapering for a marathon and recovering after a marathon are challenging,
especially when I’m feeling good. It’s
one week post-marathon, and I did take 4 days off of running (close to what I
planned), and have felt good on the days I’ve ran and cross trained. Every
person is different in how quickly they take to recover from a marathon, but
THIS article talks a lot about the science-y reasons behind what running a marathon does to your body, and why we need to be taking it easy after
a race and protecting these bodies we train so hard.
It’s obvious to me like 10 seconds after starting to run
post-race, whether or not my legs are ready to run. There’s this specific type of soreness and tiredness that only
ever happens after a full marathon, and if I start running too soon, those
muscles tense up and fatigue quickly. I
ran 3 days this week, and each day my legs felt better. Today they felt totally completely normal,
and it was a huge struggle not to pick up the pace. I haven’t worn my Garmin, and won’t wear it for at least another
week or so, but man it’s tempting. As
long as all systems still feel good, I’m looking forward to adding a bit more
mileage next week J
I personally want to be like this yoga instructor into my
old age (except with running instead of yoga), and the only way to do that is
to run and recover smart...
Random closing thoughts…
Does anyone else think it’s fun that it’s National Cereal
Day? Kroger generic for Life cereal is
my favorite, and I personally think it serves as a better snack. Side note: I
never actually eat cereal for breakfast, but it’s a favorite for a snack.
Chewing gum while running: yes or no? I ALWAYS chew gum when
I run, and I keep the same piece for an entire marathon. I’m told that’s kind of weird. Gum-chewers feel free to chime in!!
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